Thicker Than Water (1935)
Sailors, Beware! (1927)
They Go Boom! (1929)
Unaccustomed as We Are (1929)
Berth Marks (1929)
That's My Wife (1929)
The Electric House (1922)
The Battle of the Century (1927)
Twice Two (1933)
The Hoose-Gow (1929)
Two Tars (1928)
Duck Soup (1927)
Do Detectives Think? (1927)
The Second Hundred Years (1927)
With Love and Hisses (1927)
Why Girls Love Sailors (1927)
Call of the Cuckoo (1927)
You're Darn Tootin' (1928)
Thundering Fleas (1926)
Slipping Wives (1927)