New York Portrait, Chapter III (1990)
Greta Garbo: The Temptress and the Clown (1986)
9/11 (2002)
Berlin, die Symphonie der Großstadt (1927)
NASCAR: The IMAX Experience (2004)
L'arrivée d'un train à La Ciotat (1896)
Die neue Wohnung (1930)
Lumiere's First Picture Shows (2013)
Notre-Dame: Our Lady of Paris (2020)
Volcanoes of the Deep Sea (2003)
Mystery of the Nile (2005)
Dworzec (1980)
Дефиле на воен оркестар, кочии и коњаници (1908)
Прослава на Ѓурѓовден (1905)
Around China with a Movie Camera (2016)
Plant of Ford Motor Company - Antwerp (1948)
Answer the Call (2024)
Silent Shakespeare (2000)
Moon Rockets (1947)
Grønland, 1932 (1932)