The Tea Explorer
Tiananmen (2019)
Derrière les murs de la Cité interdite (2024)
钢铁麦克 (2017)
La face cachée des énergies vertes (2021)
请投我一票 (2007)
归途列车 (2009)
Manufactured Landscapes (2006)
My 1980's (2019)
In the Same Breath (2021)
Inside Taiwan: Standing Up to China (2023)
Sacred (2016)
Waiting for the Sun (2017)
North China Factory (1980)
希望之旅 (2002)
La Pharmacie no. 3: Shanghai (1976)
Overloaded Peking (2002)
Tibet - Widerstand des Geistes (1989)
Chine : Ouïghours, un peuple en danger (2019)
China's problems with the Uyghurs (2014)