Die Kreuzung (1991)
Dr. Platypus and the Toxic Avengers: The Probe
The Tree (2018)
Superman 75 (2013)
ウォレスとグルミット ベーカリー街の悪夢 (2008)
Chemin faisant (2012)
機甲創世記モスピーダ Love, Live, Alive (1985)
Almost Home (2014)
Oozat (1992)
Santa's Little Helpers (2019)
R.I.P. - Rest in Pieces (2016)
Under Covers (2019)
Hot Stuff (1971)
The Wizard of Oz (1991)
I Am Tom Moody (2012)
Teisel pool metsa (2014)
MIRROR (2012)
Niebla (2007)
Flame Dancer (2012)
Anger (1990)