Festival Express (2003)
Fogelstadgruppen (2006)
Scum Manifesto (1976)
Frida Kahlo & Tina Modotti (1983)
Working Class (2011)
Ron Taylor: Dr. Baseball
Not For Sale: Feminism and Art in the USA during the 1970s (1998)
Wittig, Yes!
Orphaned (2021)
Freshwater (2022)
Sofía (2021)
The Sterilization of Leilani Muir (1996)
Dief! (1981)
Golden Globe - Kanada Highlights (2014)
Shiny Objects - The Conductor with ADHD (2022)
Nakón-wįcó'i'e oğų́ğa (2018)
Wet Earth and Warm People (1971)
En Dernier Recours (1987)
Rape Culture (1975)