The story revolves around a massive inheritance from a rich man, whose nephew is plotting to seize the fortune from his daughter Fei Fei. He hires a petty thief, nicknamed "Tricky Star" to court Fei Fei in an attempt to steal all the money. But it turns out that Fei Fei is a fake who works for the rich man's evil son.

De sa naissance à sa rencontre avec Véronique, en passant par ses premières amours, les années disco, ses premiers pas sur scène, Franck Dubosc revient sur sa vie et ses amours...

Sir Philip Ashlow (Stewart Granger), his neglected wife, Lady Ashlow (Ava Gardner) and his best friend Henry Brittingham-Brett (David Niven) are shipwrecked on a desert island. This potential ménage à trois where the two men compete for the lady's attention is interrupted by the unexpected arrival of a fourth inhabitant of the island.

Jean-Luc Lemoine is back for a one-man show full of cynicism and self-mockery.

I'm doing my coming out: I leave the closet, I wake up ... It's been 10 years since I lived in France, that now I can let go! I assume everything! Everything I think, everything I am, everything I love ... or not! Everyone goes!

A story about a girl from the sticks doing drudge work at a hotel and dreaming of a better life.

In a bar, ex-TV host Belin meets Frede, an ex-maid who just got out of prison. Between them, they manage to create panic everywhere they go. The next morning Belin has forgotten everything.

Lise Dion appears in better shape than ever in "Le temps qui court", her 3rd career show directed by Michel Courtemanche and applauded by more than 365,000 spectators. In addition to explaining to us what she did during her absence from the stage which lasted 6 years, Lise gives news of Marcel and their teenagers... who, in principle, are no longer teenagers. Vacations in the South, technology, the passage of time, and the things you absolutely have to do in your life are among the topics she covers in an absolutely hilarious way.