The debut of this Dutch comedy duo. They won the Dutch Cameretten festival which a short (early) version of this show.

Als ge mistroostig zijt en ge weet niet goed waarom. Als ge nog eens goed wilt lachen. Als ge van de wereld niet veel snapt, en van de mensen nog minder. Als ge niet krijgt wat ge vindt dat ge verdient omdat ze u niet zien staan, de idioten. Als ge op één hand kunt tellen de keren dat ge u het afgelopen jaar vrij hebt gevoeld en onbekommerd. Als ge de dingen kapot wilt slaan maar ge durft niet.

Registration of the fifth theatre program by the Dutch comedy duo (Niels) Van der Laan & (Jeroen) Woe.

Registration of the sixt theatre program by the Dutch comedian Theo Maassen.

Registration of the fifth theatre program by the Dutch comedian Brigitte Kaandorp.

Registration of the "musical-pastiche theatre program" by the Dutch comedian Brigitte Kaandorp. She accompanied by an ensemble and several musicians.

Registration of the second theatre program by the Dutch comedy duo Droog Brood (Bas Hoeflaak and Peter van de Witte). The show is a sum of apparently separate scenes that show the human struggle and the desire for affection. Misunderstandings and clumsiness determine our interactions with each other, while meanwhile there is always the consciousness that love will bring us the deepest happiness. But affection is always present. The characters in this show fail, but ultimately they find an answer in the simplicity of the moment.

Registration of the second theatre program by the Dutch comedian Paulien Cornelisse.

A nice boy. That is-ie. Emilio Guzman. He will not fight. Does not seek conflict. He just wants it to go well with everyone. Everyone does what he can not leave. But unfortunately the world is not like that. Underdevelopment prevails. Tension. Anxiety and aggression determine Doing our affairs. Even late Emilio conduct regular surprise. While he was still a nice guy. And smart. He wants to understand what is going on. And why that's happening. And how it could run out. That hand so Ever chose Leiden Cabaret Festival Audience him the winner of one of the strongest ever finals. Now he takes the side of his audience. Not to say what they want to hear. But because he wants to be understood. And that can not leave. Let? We say do it!

The third theatre program by the Dutch comedy duo De Partizanen (Merijn Scholten and Thomas Gast).