The Dutch cabaret artists Harrie Jekkers and Jeroen van Merwijk have performed solo for years. The two old friends have made a program together and perform with songs, stories and dialogues.

Als ge mistroostig zijt en ge weet niet goed waarom. Als ge nog eens goed wilt lachen. Als ge van de wereld niet veel snapt, en van de mensen nog minder. Als ge niet krijgt wat ge vindt dat ge verdient omdat ze u niet zien staan, de idioten. Als ge op één hand kunt tellen de keren dat ge u het afgelopen jaar vrij hebt gevoeld en onbekommerd. Als ge de dingen kapot wilt slaan maar ge durft niet.

Registration of the theatre program by the Dutch comedian Youp van 't Hek.

Dutch comedian Youp van 't Hek attempts to see the humor in the chaos that was the year 2020.

Moroccan-Dutch actor and stage performer Nasrdin Dchar attempts to make sense of the chaos that was the year 2020.

Wim Helsen Heden Soup! HOMELESS, KINGS, SAINTS AND COLD WATER FISHING: They all eat soup. Also mistresses love soup. They eat them with spoons, some dip bread in it or slurp on the edge of their soup bowl. One can of doing anything. Tomatoes, leeks, pumpkins, chicken. But loving thoughts, secret messages and mushrooms are allowed. And say nothing of balls. In mysterious faraway places there that make soup from nettles. Dogs bark for soup. One gets it warm from the inside (in his body).

Na de dvd's 'Kaboom!' en de snoeiharde bevestiging met 'Morimos Solamente' is Alex Agnew toe aan zijn derde stand-up-comedy-theaterregistratie DVD: 'More Human Than Human'.Agnew is uniek. Grover, gewaagder en vooral grappiger dan ooit. Geen enkel onderwerp is veilig. Lichtgeraakte mensen wezen gewaarschuwd: Alex Agnew balanceert altijd op het randje. Wie de Alex Agnew verwacht die geluidjes maakt, zal verrast zijn. Agnew speelt meer in op het publiek, brengt vaak meer doordachte humor en beperkt de human jukebox tot het minimum.Alex Agnew heeft één van de belangrijkste eigenschappen van een goede stand-up: charisma. Die sympathieke uitstraling in combinatie met zijn geniaal materiaal drijft het publiek keer op keer en in een razend snel tempo naar opeenvolgende lachsalvo's die pas stoppen als hij met een buiging het podium verlaat, wat gepaard gaat met een daverend applaus.

Javier introduces himself again in the Ga-Bie-Jer show. He shows that he is actually polite and well-mannered. That he really can control his anger. That in a time of tension, fear and a lot of screaming, he knows how to keep the coolness.

Because Urbanus does all kinds of pranks, he has to go to an improvement institution. There, Dr. Schrikmerg uses him as a guinea pig for his new invention: he makes a sort of robot from Urbanus.

Stage registration of the second comedy special by the Dutch comedian Eva Crutzen. Crutzen tells and sings, accompanied by Jerry Bloem, about her life as a thirty-something, surrounded by other thirty-somethings who desperately hide their mental issues.

A comedy show for children by the Dutch cabaret artist (and actor and singer and musician) Pieter Tiddens. The show is about the mutability of life. Why can't things stay as they are?

Stage registration of a comedy show for children by the Dutch cabaret artist Pieter Tiddens. A divorced father and his daughter go on vacation together and end up going from one adventure to another.

Registration of the theater show 'I Amhali' by Najib Amhali. Najib itself is central to this spectacular show full of music. He knows better than anyone that happiness is in the small things. He is happily married and just the father of a second son. But do these great milestones in his life also make him more mature? Not according to his wife, because she is sometimes stuck with three children! The band PlusSupportAct provides the musical accompaniment during this performance.

Comedian Wim Helsen apologizes for the violence, religious extremism and lousy economy plaguing Europe, then offers a happy panacea for all of it.