The Short Films of David Lynch (2002)
Old Family Footage
Pretty as a Picture: The Art of David Lynch (1997)
Rabbits (2002)
Moondog Airwaves (2014)
Marquis (1989)
Trash Humpers (2010)
De la mutabilité de toute chose et de la possibilité d'en changer certaines (2011)
Cute Little Buggers (2017)
The House That Eye Live In (2014)
Bruised Fruit (2020)
Vide-Uhhh! (2005)
Sviests (2001)
Frank Zappa: New York and Elsewhere (1980)
once upon a time in the west ii (2023)
Going Underground: Paul McCartney, the Beatles and the UK Counterculture (2013)
Ariadne (2005)
Hokus Fokus (2004)