The Great Escape (1963)
The Longest Day (1962)
Serpico (1973)
Waking Life (2001)
As Aventuras da Turma da Mônica (1982)
The Court Jester (2024)
スチームボーイ (2004)
Brick (2006)
My Entire High School Sinking Into the Sea (2016)
Astérix et la Surprise de César (1985)
Garfield (2004)
The Punisher (1989)
पिप्पा (2023)
Steel (1997)
Nowy Janko muzykant (1961)
Tengers (2007)
盲童奇遇記 (1967)
Дневные звезды (1966)
The Thanksgiving Text
Sully Lad (2024)