The End of Suburbia: Oil Depletion and the Collapse of the American Dream (2004)
Haka Puai te Kainga (2019)
Two Worlds Colliding (2004)
Planas, Testimonio de un Etnocidio (1971)
Paralelo 10 (2012)
INAATE/SE/ (2016)
Denial (2016)
What Killed the Whale? (2022)
Canyon Song (2016)
Tasunke Witko
Nakón-wįcó'i'e oğų́ğa (2018)
Troubled Waters: A Turtle's Tale (2019)
Cree Way (1977)
Nouveau Monde (2016)
One Word (2020)
The Coolbaroo Club (1996)
Growing Native Northwest: Coast Salish (2018)
The Sacred Food (2007)
Growing Native Great Lakes: Turtle Island (2018)
Growing Native Alaska: People of the North (2018)