Martin Vail (Richard Gere) és un ambiciós advocat de Chicago, capaç d'acceptar qualsevol cas per sortir a la premsa. Un dia accepta un cas en aparença impossible de guanyar: la defensa d'Aaron (Edward Norton), un jove acusat d'assassinar l'arquebisbe de Chicago després de ser detingut fugint del lloc del crim. El cas sembla fàcil, però el malson per a Martin acaba de començar.

La radiació d'un satèl·lit causa el despertar dels morts, que surten de les seves tombes i ataquen els éssers vius per alimentar-se. L'acció se situa al camp de Pennsilvània, on Bàrbara és inicialment atacada al cementiri per un mort vivent i fuig cap a una granja. Allí es troba amb Ben, i ambdós construiran barricades per sobreviure a la temorosa nit, ja que a fora hi ha una multitud de despietats zombis que només poden ser vençuts amb un cop al cap.

Maddie Young, una jove escriptora sordmuda de novel·les de terror, es trasllada a una cabana aïllada al bosc per escriure el seu nou llibre. Un cop allà, serà assetjada per un assassí en sèrie que fa servir una ballesta per matar.

Stephanie és una jove mare videobloguera d'una ciutat petita la millor amiga de la qual, la sofisticada Emily, desapareix un dia sobtadament. A Stephanie l'ajudarà a buscar el marit d'Emily, Sean.

When the local District Attorney comes knocking, a Texan cop is forced to face a secret that he's been hiding from his wife in an effort to keep his family together.

Jeffrey Dahmer struggles with a difficult family life as a young boy. During his teenage years he slowly transforms, edging closer to the serial killer he was to become.

A dysfunctional family travels to Cuernavaca, to celebrate their grandmother's birthday. One pretends to have a boyfriend she just met. Another has a girlfriend who is in love with one of his brothers. Another can not stand the way the grandmother treats him but he has been afraid of her for so long...until now.

When a group of tourists stumble into the remote Australian river territory of an enormous crocodile, the deadly creature traps them on a tiny mud island with the tide quickly rising and darkness descending. As the hungry predator closes in, they must fight for survival against all odds.

The Mischievous Boy — "Shum bola", a film on the eponymous story of Gafur Gulyam about the adventures of a little boy, whose restless character makes him different people and life situations.

A lone drifter suffering from partial memory loss accepts a job to look after a psychologically troubled woman in an abandoned house on an isolated island.

El Dave Skylark, presentador d'un famós programa televisiu d'entrevistes, i el productor Aaron Rapoport descobreixen que Kim Jong-un, el dictador de Corea del Nord, és un gran aficionat del seu programa i aconsegueixen una entrevista exclusiva amb ell. La CIA els demana que aprofitin l'ocasió per assassinar el dèspota, però el Dave i l'Aaron no són precisament les persones més ben preparades per dur a terme aquesta missió.

Phil and Claire Foster fear that their mild-mannered relationship may be falling into a stale rut. During their weekly date night, their dinner reservation leads to their being mistaken for a couple of thieves—and now a number of unsavoury characters want Phil and Claire killed.

When motocross and heavy metal obsessed, 13-year-old Jacob's delinquent behavior forces CPS to place his little brother Wes with his aunt, Jacob and his emotionally absent father must finally take responsibility for their actions and each other in order to bring Wes home.

Buddy, un executiu d'èxit en una important agència de publicitat, està atrapat a l'aeroport de Chicago a causa d'un temporal. Mentre espera, coneix Greg, un home que passarà el Nadal amb la família, i una atractiva dona de negocis. Quan, gràcies a les seves relacions, aconsegueix un seient a l'últim vol de la nit, comença a dubtar entre emprendre el viatge o gaudir d'una aventura sexual. Finalment, escull el segon i li ofereix el seient a Greg. L'endemà al matí, Buddy sent la notícia que l'avió s'ha estavellat.

Stanley Putterman installs a state-of-the-art satellite dish in his backyard, soon unleashing a strange monster that leaps off the screen and needs to feed on humans for survival.

Després d'escoltar a un nen cridant demanant ajuda des de les verdes profunditats d'un vast camp d'herba alta, Becky, una dona embarassada, i Cal, el seu germà, aparquen el seu cotxe prop d'una misteriosa església abandonada i entren imprudentment al camp, descobrint que no estan sols i que per alguna raó són incapaços d'escapar d'un laberint vegetal completament inextricable.

Every camper’s worst nightmare came true at Lake Bodom in 1960 when four teenagers were stabbed to death while sleeping in their tent. As the years passed and the case grew cold, the unsolved mystery turned into an urban legend, a creepy campfire story passed from generation to generation. Now, a group of teenagers arrives at the same campsite, hoping to solve the murder by reconstructing it minute by minute. As night falls, it turns out that not all of them are there to play. Tonight… it’s girls against boys. Let the killing games begin.

When an Australian motorcycle gang leader is released from prison, he finds his former deputy on the cusp of giving control of their lucrative drug trade to a rival gang. When the deal goes south, the ensuing violence threatens to spin out of control as the gangs must contend with external threats and subversion within their own ranks — culminating in a deadly face-off between the heavily-armed crews in this epic and action-packed biker thriller.

A new girl in a quiet town, Tess tries to manage her psychosis while adjusting to her new life with her mom. After stumbling upon the shrine of Lucy, a hit and run victim, Tess finds herself overwhelmed by hallucinations of the dead girl and starts to question her sanity again. When the spirit possesses Tess’s mind and soul, mother and daughter are at a loss for where to turn next for salvation: religion or medicine? Both institutions have failed them to date but faith leads them to the house of Sarah, Lucy’s mother, who has been despondent since the accident. All together with time working against them, Sarah is desperate to believe that Lucy is still alive in Tess but neither parent wants to give up on their daughter. Now that she understands what is happening to her, ultimately Tess must decide whether she wants to keep fighting or succumb to her affliction.

Past conflicts and tensions arise when a group of late 20-something friends spend the weekend together to celebrate an upcoming wedding.