Hawaii is a story on the struggle of inheriting $3 million in communist-era Romania when owning $1 could mean losing your freedom and touches on the theme of how money could buy if not happiness, at least the freedom to choose unhappiness.

Due to an error the male student Kagami Yuuki is registered for a room in the girls dormitory of his new co-ed high school. Since no male rooms are available he is left with no other option than to sleep in the girls dormitory in the same room as the teacher that made the mistak in the first place, Ayane-sensei. To avoid getting kicked out of the school for being a boy in a girls dormitory he has to cross-dress whenever he is leaving his room. Needless to say that this brings him a lot of trouble.

A la Layla des de petita li ha fet il·lusió casar-se al mes de desembre aprofitant l'alegria de les festes nadalenques. Quan ja estava promesa, el seu promès la deixa per la seva cosina. Quan arriba el moment, en ser família, conviden la Layla al casament i es veu obligada a anar-hi, però no hi vol anar ni sense parella ni amb el seu germà per no semblar desesperada. Finalment, l'única opció que troba és fer veure que s'ha promès amb l'amic, en Seth, que precisament va presentar el seu antic promès a la seva cosina, i per tant el culpable, encara que involuntari, que la Layla es quedés sense promès. Després de tot un seguit de malentesos i situacions inesperades mentre la Layla i en Seth fan veure que estan promesos, que els obliguen a allargar la mentida més del que havien pensat inicialment, es produeix un desenllaç inesperat.

When Madeline's long lost uncle Horst arrives to take her to a Viennese finishing school, Miss Clavel, the eleven little girls and Pepito realize that something is not right.

Història centrada en el període en la vida de Maria i Josep en el qual van viatjar a Betlem per al naixement de Jesús.

A trip to church with her family on Christmas Eve gives young Angela an extraordinary idea. A heartwarming tale based on a story by Frank McCourt.

In underworld terms, Chas Devlin is a 'performer,' a gangster with a talent for violence and intimidation. Turner is a reclusive rock superstar. When Chas and Turner meet, their worlds collide—and the impact is both exotic and explosive.

En Colton Burpo és un nen de quatre anys que viu amb els seus pares i la seva germana en una ciutat petita de Nebraska. El seu pare, en Todd, és pastor d'una església, però, a més, fa moltes altres feines perquè van justos de diners. Un dia el Colton es posa malalt, l'han d'operar d'urgències i està a punt de morir durant l'operació. Un cop recuperat, en Colton comença a dir que durant l'operació va estar al cel i va veure Jesús. La incredulitat dels seus pares va desapareixent a mesura que el nen dóna detalls versemblants de la seva visita al cel, i això fa trontollar les creences de tots els que l'envolten.

The Oscar-winning cat-and-mouse twosome--Tom and Jerry--returns with another adventure. When Tom and Jerry's irrepressible curiosity gets the best of them, the mysterious magic ring that Tom guards with his life ends up stuck over Jerry's head. Now, Jerry must find a way to free himself of the ring while fleeing Tom, who wants to remove the ring any way he can! Find out if the pair can conjure up a solution in this fur-raising, madcap escapade.

En route to the honeymoon of William Riker to Deanna Troi on her home planet of Betazed, Captain Jean-Luc Picard and the crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise receives word from Starfleet that a coup has resulted in the installation of a new Romulan political leader, Shinzon, who claims to seek peace with the human-backed United Federation of Planets. Once in enemy territory, the captain and his crew make a startling discovery: Shinzon is human, a slave from the Romulan sister planet of Remus, and has a secret, shocking relationship to Picard himself.

Christmas is drawing near, but it’s not a happy time for David. After moving to a big city, his parents have been bogged down with work and forgotten the meaning of Christmas. David decides to change that. Together with Albert the Elf, who escaped from the land of Santa to figure out what Christmas is all about, David sets off to Tatra Mountains, where his grandparents live, on a journey full of adventures.

The story of a young boy in the Midwest is told simultaneously with a tale about a young girl in New York from fifty years ago as they both seek the same mysterious connection.

A news reporter looks into who has been anonymously leaving large cash gifts on random doorsteps in New York.

Leonardo is still single and immature as ever at 50. Tired to see him like that, his daughter texts all his exes "I'm a changed man: let's try again", setting in motion an unexpected trip down memory lane.

Nico és un petit ren que somia volar com el seu pare, un dels rens que arrossega el trineu de Santa Claus.

A married father of three, lives in Créteil doing odd jobs and spends his time at the local PMU bar. One day, to please his daughter, he promises a little too quick to take the whole family on vacation to ski. The only problem: if he breaks his promise, his wife will divorce him.

Giovanna, Carla, Francesca, Chiara. What these women have in common so different from each other? Which will never be the not insignificant detail that makes their lives secretly imperfect? And what mystery female is so intimate and private, that more private you can not? Whatever it is, all they want. A food designer, her first love and one sciampista for dogs are the stars of this comedy merrily shameless telling women what no one had ever dared to tell.

A slick private eye set out to investigate the death of a young rapper, only to find himself knee-deep in drugs, guns, and double crosses.

A pilot battles to save his family and the planet after an experiment for unlimited energy goes wrong.