Després d'obtenir un èxit rotund, un director de cinema travessa una crisi de creativitat i intenta inútilment fer una nova pel·lícula. En aquesta situació, comença a passar revista als fets més importants de la seva vida ia recordar totes les dones que ha estimat.

Rosaria i els seus quatre fills (Simone, Rocco, Ciro i Luca) abandonen la seva terra natal, Lucània (l'actual Basilicata), per emigrar a Milà a la recerca de feina i oportunitats que els permetin millorar les seves condicions de vida. Allà troben Vincenzo, el germà gran, que treballa de paleta però que està relacionat amb el món de la boxa.

Els veïns d'un poble de la costa adriàtica italiana són gent amable i cortesa que es dediquen afanosament a la feina. Només cinc joves trenquen l'harmonia de la comunitat: cap d'ells no ha treballat mai i ni tan sols se n'avergonyeix.

A París, un brillant i trasbalsat cirurgià rapta noies per tal d'utilitzar la seva pell per reconstruir la bellesa del rostre de la seva filla, destrossat per un tràgic accident del qual ell se sent culpable.

The mysterious disappearance of a kindergarten teacher during a picnic in the north of Iran is followed by a series of misadventures for her fellow travelers.

An army cadet accompanies an irascible, blind captain on a week-long trip from Turin to Naples.

Michael O’Hara, un mariner irlandès, salva d’ una agressió nocturna a Central Park la bella i misteriosa Elsa Bannister. El seu marit Arthur, un adinerat advocat d’èxit, decideix gratificar-lo oferint-li una feina en el seu iot. Durant el transcurs d’un creuer cap a San Francisco, en Michael es deixa captivar per l’encís de l’Elsa. Alhora, el soci d'en Bannister li proposa un pla que Michael accepta per fugir amb l’Elsa, sense sospitar que n’esdevindrà el cap de turc.

On Christmas night, four estranged friends reunite after a long time to rip off a rich industrialist in a game of poker, but old grudges get in the way.

When 'Vogler's Magnetic Health Theater' comes to town, there's bound to be a spectacle. Reading reports of a variety of supernatural disturbances at Vogler's prior performances abroad, the leading townspeople (including the police chief and medical examiner) request that their troupe provide them a sample of their act, before allowing them public audiences. The scientific-minded disbelievers try to expose them as charlatans, but Vogler and his crew prove too clever for them.

A young social climber wins the heart of a beautiful heiress but his former girlfriend's pregnancy stands in the way of his ambition.

Dorota Geller, a married woman, faces a dilemma involving her sick husband's prognosis. Her husband's doctor, who believes in God, sweared about it in vain.

At Bertrand Morane's burial there are many of the women that the 40-year-old engineer loved. In flashback Bertrand's life and love affairs are told by himself while writing an autobiographical novel.

A witty, perceptive and devastating look at the personal agendas and suppressed revelations swirling among a group of gay men in Manhattan. Harold is celebrating a birthday, and his friend Michael has drafted some other friends to help commemorate the event. As the evening progresses, the alcohol flows, the knives come out, and Michael's demand that the group participate in a devious telephone game, unleashing dormant and unspoken emotions.

A vicious serial sex killer is on the loose, and landscape gardener and shop-window outfitter Loris is the prime suspect, thanks to his unfortunate habit of getting caught in compromising situations (for which there is always a totally innocent explanation that the police fail to spot). Undercover policewoman Jessica is assigned by eccentric police psychologist Taccone to follow Loris and ...

After his young lover, Gitone, leaves him for another man, Encolpio decides to kill himself, but a sudden earthquake destroys his home before he has a chance to do so. Now wandering around Rome in the time of Nero, Encolpio encounters one bizarre and surreal scene after another.

Nou Mèxic, 1878. John Chisum (Wayne) és un home dur i emprenedor que, partint del no-res, arriba a ser propietari d'un vastíssim ranxo ramader a Lincoln (Nou Mèxic). L'anomenen “El Rei del Pecos” perquè les aigües d'aquest riu passen per les seves terres, encara que ell permet que les utilitzin tots els grangers del comtat. Són dignes de menció Billy el Nen i Pat Garret com a personatges secundaris.

An orchestra assembles for a rehearsal in an ancient chapel under the inquisitive eyes of a TV documentary crew, but an uprising breaks out.

Set històries independents entre elles, excepte que totes se suposa que estan basades en el llibre de David Reuben. Les històries van des de "Funcionen els afrodisiacs?" on el bufó de la cort li dona un afrodisíac a la reina, fins a "Que passa durant la ejaculació?" en el que veiem el "control central" durant el procés de seducció.

After a sexist joke goes viral, Cédric loses his job and embarks on a therapeutic journey to free himself from sexism and misogyny. He and his girlfriend hire a mysterious and liberated babysitter to help shake things up.

'Day of the Fight' shows Irish-American middleweight boxer Walter Cartier during the height of his career, on the day of a fight with black middleweight Bobby James, which took place on April 17, 1950.