
Every Thursday a group of ladies would gather to play cards and discuss their loves, lives and children while their daughters played in the next room. Thirty years later, the daughters meet at a funeral for one of the mothers. Like their mothers, they discuss their hopes, dreams and fears.

 オリジナリティ溢れる作風で世界的にファンの多いクリエイター、ミシェル・ゴンドリー、レオス・カラックス、ポン・ジュノが東京を舞台に競作した豪華なオムニバス・ムービー。  ミシェル・ゴンドリー監督「インテリア・デザイン」──映画監督の恋人と上京したばかりのヒロインに降りかかる不思議な出来事を綴るファンタジー・ストーリー。主演は藤谷文子と加瀬亮。映画監督の恋人アキラと一緒に上京してきたヒロコ。高校時代の同級生アケミの部屋に居候しながらバイト探しを始める2人だったが、アキラとは対照的に都会の水になかなか馴染めないヒロコは、次第に疎外感を感じ始める。  レオス・カラックス監督「メルド」──監督の盟友ドニ・ラヴァンが東京中を震撼させる謎の怪人に扮する不条理劇。マンホールの中から突然現われては、街中で奇行を繰り返し、道行く人々に危害を加える神出鬼没の謎の男メルド。メディアでも大きく取り上げられ、いつしか“下水道の怪人”と呼ばれ、東京の人々を恐怖に陥れるメルドだったが…。  ポン・ジュノ監督「シェイキング東京」──香川照之と蒼井優を主演に迎え、引きこもり男とピザの宅配少女との奇妙な心の交流を描くファンタジー・ラブストーリー。10年間引きこもりの生活を送る一人の男。土曜日には必ずピザを頼むその男の家に、その日、配達に来たのは美しい少女だった。思いがけず、少女と見つめ合ってしまう男。その瞬間、突然大地が揺れ、少女は気絶してしまうのだが…。

Following a huge misunderstanding, two friends always decide to tackle everything to make up for lost time.

Stuck in his hometown, Venice, during the pandemic, director Andrea Segre turns the camera on the frozen city, while reminiscing about his father, a scientist and chemist, and the past.

Three Italian retirees embark on a journey to find a new country to live in.

Oleg, a young Latvian butcher, arrives in Brussels in the hope of getting a better salary in a meat factory. His experience turns short after being betrayed by a colleague. Alone in a country where he doesn’t belong, he quickly falls under the yoke of Andrzej, a Polish criminal.

This is the story of two completely opposite households: the Pavone are intellectual and bourgeois, the Vismara are proletarian and fascists. They are two tribes sharing the same jungle: Rome. A trivial accident brings these two poles together. The madness of a 25-year old youth will set them on a collision course, discovering the cards to reveal that everyone has a secret. People are never what they seem – but we are all predators in the end.

In a little Sicilian village at the edge of a forest, Giuseppe, a boy of 13, vanishes. Luna, his classmate who loves him, refuses to accept his mysterious disappearance. She rebels against the silence and complicity that surround her, and to find him she descends into the dark world which has swallowed him up and which has a lake as its mysterious entrance.

Nevia, a 17-years-old girl from a poor trailer park family in Naples, joins a circus, trying to escape from her situation.

Gaetano and Delia, a separated couple, try to pick up the pieces of their broken love, recalling all the faults and the mistakes which led them to where they are now.

Undine is a historian and tour guide at the Berlin City Museum specializing in urban development, while Christoph is an industrial diver. Linked by a love of the water, the two form an intense bond, which can only do so much to help Undine overcome the considerable baggage of her former affair.

Italy, after the promulgation of the racial laws (1938). Luciano, a Fascist-abiding restaurateur, nonetheless believes he can still live by his own rules inside his business. However, everything changes when Anna, a girl with a dangerous secret, starts to work at his restaurant.

Three tales of privileged youth entangled in murder: French students kill for money, an Italian student smuggles cigarettes, and an English poet exploits a grim discovery.

As an unpredictable, sweeping pandemic causes people to develop sudden amnesia, a man finds himself enrolled in a recovery program designed to help him build a new life. His treatment: performing daily tasks prescribed by his doctors on cassette tape, and capturing those with a Polaroid camera.

「ラストエンペラー」「シェルタリング・スカイ」の巨匠ベルナルド・ベルトルッチ監督が重い病で車椅子生活を余儀なくされながらも、2003年の「ドリーマーズ」以来10年ぶりの復活を果たして撮り上げた青春ドラマ。周囲に馴染めない孤独な14歳の少年が腹違いの大人びた姉と自宅地下室で過ごす秘密の1週間を綴ったニッコロ・アンマニーティの同名小説を映画化。  周囲に馴染めず、独りが好きなちょっと変わり者の14歳、ロレンツォ。学校行事のスキー合宿に行くと両親を騙して向かった先は、自分の住むアパルトマンの地下室。彼はそこに食料を持ち込み、寝床や暖房も確保したその秘密の部屋で、好きな本と音楽に浸って一週間を過ごす計画だったのだ。ところがそこに、異母姉のオリヴィアが転がり込んでくる。美しく奔放な上、麻薬中毒でもあるオリヴィアの登場で、のんびり過ごすはずだったロレンツォの地下室生活は思いもよらぬ方向へと転がり始めるが…。


At an isolated frontier outpost, a colonial magistrate suffers a crisis of conscience when an army colonel arrives looking to interrogate the locals about an impending uprising, using cruel tactics that horrify the magistrate.

Fabio struggles with a cumbersome father and a capricious and spoiled little sister who consider him a good for nothing, a “vegetable” in fact. The unfortunate recent graduate looks for a job reacts to the contempt of his family and demanding employers, when an unexpected event remixes roles…

Marco and Anita discover they are expecting a child. Finally a ray of light in Marco’s life after his heartbreak following the loss of Leo, his first born with his former wife Clara. Suddenly, however Perla, the new owner where the couple lived until the tragic accident, bursts into Marco’s and his ex-wife’s lives. The mysterious woman claims she keeps feeling a strange presence and hearing the voice of a child that is tormenting her and her son. Marco therefore finds himself torn between the ties of the past and an unwritten future.