Brazil, 1988. An unemployed tractor driver hijacks VASP flight 375 and orders commander Murilo to crash the plane on the Planalto Palace to kill the president - whom he considers guilty for the country's devastating economic crisis.

One day, Nagi Seishiro receives an invitation to the mysterious BLUE LOCK Project. What awaits him there is an encounter with the finest strikers assembled from across the country. Nagi's dream of becoming the best, alongside Mikage Reo, will take this prodigy to a world he's never known.

Bart's chance encounter with the enigmatic Vienna leads to a whirlwind weekend together. The two fall fast and hard, but both carry secrets that could be their undoing or the chance for a fresh start.

Film about the Bahian singer dives into the moment when shy Gracinha becomes Gal Costa, during the violent, innovative and mind-blowing years that helped shape Brazil's greatest singer.

Laura, a specialized psychologist in sexist violence, receives the couple composed by Eva and Pablo when he is reported for abuse, at the same time that she suffers the consequences of trying to protect women from abusers.

In a segregated Texas, five Mexican-American teenage caddies were prohibited from playing at the country club where they worked. Against all odds, they formed their own team, built a one-hole course in the fields, and won the 1957 Texas State championship. Based on a true story.

Quatre dècades després del seu inoblidable primer cas a Beverly Hills, el detectiu de Detroit Axel Foley torna al que li va millor: resoldre crims i causar el caos.

Quan una sèrie de cruels assassinats colpegen Seül, la policia coreana no té més remei que demanar ajuda a la doctora francesa de renom mundial Alice Launey (Olga Kurylenko), qui ha desenvolupat una tècnica revolucionària per a identificar cadàvers. Amb el nombre de crims augmentant i una misteriosa xarxa de tràfic d'òrgans descoberta, les coses es posaran cada vegada més perilloses al país del matí serè.

Your favourite gamer trio is back! This time, Waldek, Staszek and Delfina will spend an adventure-packed summer in the Tatra Mountains. During the trip, Waldek accidentally finds out that his father – the man he has heard so much about from his mum, the person who abandoned his family a long time ago – lives nearby. The boy is determined to find him and ask him about the reasons for his decision. Together with Staszek, under the cover of night, they set out on their mission. The hazards of the mountain trail, however, are nothing compared to what Delfina will have to do. The creative teenager has to hide the truth about the boys’ disappearance from her aunt, the mother of Waldek and… her new partner. How will this secret mission affect the lives of all the characters? Will Waldek find an answer to the questions that haunt him and understand the actions of his father?

En un calorós dia d'estiu, es troba una bicicleta abandonada en un camp de blat. L'escena recorda exactament la d'un crim comès fa 23 anys que no es va poder resoldre. Aquesta vegada és la Sinikka, una nena de 13 anys, la que ha desaparegut. Mentre l'investigador del cas sense resoldre i un jove col·lega comencen a fer indagacions, per als pares de la Sinikka comencen uns dies d'agonia i incertesa.

A mother and her teenage daughter must confront Death when it arrives in the form of an astonishing talking bird.

Maddie's dream guy is days away from marrying her best friend when a wish for true love made on an ancient stone in Ireland magically alters her fate.

Després de la mort de la seva mare, Mona Achache descobreix milers de fotografies, cartes i gravacions, però aquests secrets enterrats durant dècades fan de la seva desaparició un enigma encara més intricat. A través del poder del cinema i la bellesa de l'encarnació, Achache ressuscita a la seva mare per a reconstruir la seva vida i descobrir qui era realment.

Charles Castle, un actor de Hollywood molt exigent amb ell mateix, no està satisfet amb les seves darreres interpretacions. Per això, quan un productor li fa una temptadora oferta que ell considera que faria malbé la seva reputació, la rebutja. Però el productor ho fa xantatge, amenaçant-lo de revelar fets del seu passat que entelarien més el seu prestigi que el paper que li ha ofert.

Two elite soldiers with troubled pasts are enlisted for a daring mission when a deadly masked madman threatens India's defenses.

Una soldada de les forces especials descobreix una perillosa conspiració quan torna a casa a la recerca de respostes sobre la mort del seu pare.

One woman's journey for self-discovery and turns into a harrowing tale of survival.

Pia and Jan have just fallen in love and arranged to meet Pia's friends for a game night. Jan meets Pia's friends for the first time and is under pressure to make the perfect first impression. When Pia's ex-boyfriend shows up and even Jan's buddy's tips can't save anything, everything is at stake: the relationship, the friendship, and the definition of truth.

Un pare immers en un divorci problemàtic emprèn una perillosa missió quan els seus fills desapareixen sense deixar rastre de la seva aïllada casa de camp.

An unlikely friendship develops between a hitman and a suicidal guy who have both checked into the same hotel for different reasons.